CoVid-19 Policy & Statement | PowerStop Brakes
Dear Valued Customers, Partners, and Friends,
We are all experiencing unprecedented circumstances around the world as a result of the CoVid-19 pandemic, and our thoughts go out to those affected by the virus and their communities. PowerStop’s top priority is the health and safety of our customers, employees and the communities we serve.
We understand that you may have questions or concerns regarding shipping and fulfillment of PowerStop products purchased through one of our retailers. At this time we are still fulfilling orders through our retail partners as they continue to conduct business, however, shipping times may change (see retailer sites for retailer-level delivery and customer service policy changes).
Also note that our customer service team’s health is our highest concern, so as they continue to serve you please understand they are doing so in a slightly reduced capacity while adhering to current policies and procedures.
Our Facebook and Instagram pages are the best places to receive the latest updates from us as the national health situation evolves. We have also outlined some of our in-house policies surrounding the CoVid-19 pandemic.
Thank you for your support. Please stay healthy and safe as we all navigate these unpredictable times.
The PowerStop Team
PowerStop CoVid-19 Policy
In-house cleaning and sanitation schedule
- All Powerstop facilities are deep cleaned twice daily to ensure facilities and shipments remain clean and disinfected
- PowerStop working shifts are separated by these cleaning tasks meaning there is a slight “downtime” between shifts (twice daily) this ensures that each shift starts with a “clean slate”
- All PowerStop employees are screened daily prior to entering our facilities for signs of the flue, colds and temperatures of 101 degrees or higher
- Non-PowerStop visitors are not permitted entry unless it is an emergency
- With all of the above, we are doing our best to maintain a healthy workplace
Product demand and fulfillment
- We are currently working at the same capacity to fulfill orders in regards to stock on hand
Amazon orders
- In compliance with Amazon’s changing policies to prioritize household goods, all prime orders are shipping on their schedule (Amazon will provide updates to shipping times both in your cart and through shipping communications after the sale)
Orders from other retailers
- Currently all retailers are still taking and fulfilling orders according to their own CoVid-related policies
- Please see retailer sites for retailer-level customer service policy changes
PowerStop Customer Service
- Our customer service team’s health is our highest concern, as they continue to serve you please understand that they are doing so in a slightly reduced capacity and are subject to our stringent facility cleaning/sanitizing schedule
PowerStop CoVid-19 Policy changes and updates
- Our Facebook and Instagram are the best places to get the latest updates from us as the national health situation changes
- We will also keep you updated here on our blog, check back often for updates